Diane Hostetler | Tom Kerns | Brian Saunders

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Discussion Questions for Ariel Dorfman's

Death and the Maiden





1. Can justice serve us or do we need revenge?

2. Do any of the characters seem to look at things from a deontological point of view? Which and in what instances?

3.Do any of the characters seem to look at things from a teleological point of view? Which and in what instances?

4. Do you believe Roberto is innocent or guilty? Why? Does it matter to the author? Does it change the basic questions the play asks? Be sure to look at the afterword, pages 73 (last paragraph) and 75 (first paragraph) as you think about this question. Does Dorfman give us any solutions?

5. On page 55 Gerardo speaks of truth. He tells Paulina: "People can die from an excessive dose of the truth you know." What is your response?


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© Diane Hostetler, Tom Kerns, Brian Saunders